Central Region Church Planter Assessment Center
Pre-assessment Checklist for Sending Organization
We intend for this pre-assessment checklist to be a useful tool to help you discern if a client is ready to be sent to the Central Region Church Planter Assessment Center. The areas covered in this checklist are a sample of the areas explored at CPAC. As you go through this form, you may realize that there are areas which you are unclear about. You do not need to have complete clarity before coming to an assessment center. The very purpose of the assessment center is designed to help bring you clarity in those areas. However, we would ask that if you are unclear about multiple items in this form that you would take some more time with your client to gain further insight. This will help us all to be more effective in the discernment process. Once you have completed this form you will receive a call from the pre-assessment team regarding this client.
About the Client
Anticipated CPAC for sending client (mark 1-4 in order of preference)
7. Make sure that you have explored the following issues and mark the best descriptive outcome from your exploration.