Church Planter Assessment Center
An individual wants to plant a church, but does he have the calling, character and capacities to plant a healthy, multiplying church? Central Region Church Planting is ready to partner with you to determine if the planter (a.k.a. client) is qualified, equipped and prepared to plant successfully. The Church Planting Assessment Center provides an objective and systematic analysis of potential planters based on references, ministry experiences, structured interviews, diagnostic instruments and observed behavior during assessment activities, presentations and simulations. At the conclusion of the assessment, the client and his coach/denominational representative are provided with a detailed Assessment Report including an overall recommendation and specific coaching objectives to help the client achieve success.
Assessment Staff
The assessment team is made up of seasoned church planters, church planting coaches, lay leaders of church start-ups and a Christian psychologist. Each assessor receives the assessment manual and client documentation one week prior to Assessment, and attends a training session prior to the arrival of the clients. Team members are given the assessment schedule, instructed on the purpose and results of the assessment tools and apprised of appropriate interaction with client couples.
Client Feedback of the Assessment Process
“The experience of assessors and time investment was a gift to us. Thank you!” š DL
“Thanks so much for loving Jesus and his church enough to speak truth into our lives. I look
forward to advancing the Kingdom with all of you!” š CB
“We are changed people b/c of this process” š JF
“...a unique, powerful tool in making sure that those who enter ‘these doors’ are equipped
to do what they were intended for...” š KS
“The tests [surveys] were extremely valuable to me” š HS
“...highly informative, self revealing....” š SF